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RT Thunderbirds 1.jpeg

Southall Round Table in the 1960's was a vibrant well run club raising money for charitable causes and having a lot of fun in doing so.  Often in conjunction with Southall ladies Circle, events such as this 'Thunderbirds' party was typical of their activity programme

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Marcus Taylor, Chairman 1963-64 and Area 27 Chairman 1966-67

RT Bed race 1.jpg

One of their money making schemes, to raise funds for southall hospital, was to push a bed around Southall for 24 hours, and yes, this photograph was shot  taken in the middle of the night.

RT Southall Park.jpeg

Above: Every year, on the August bank holiday, a carnival procession took place through the town culminating at Southall Park.  Here is a view of the Round Table stall in early 1960's in the park.

Below: There was an open air pool off Lady Margaret Road, and this was a special Round Table event held at the pool, 

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Marcus Taylor handing over Area Chairman role to Peter Prior in 1967

Southal RT 1963.jpeg
group photograph taken during  the chairmanship of Marcus Taylor.
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Area 27 Bowling competition. Picture taken in 1967

Tenth Anniversary Dinner, November 1960.  Malcolm Hurwitt talking with Peter Myers, President of Young Mens Social Clubs


On 26 July 1963 an earthquake took place in what was Yugoslavia and centred on the Macedonian town of Skopje.  The Round Table organised 102 caravans as temporary relief for the many thousands made homeless.  Southall Round Table contributed a caravan.

Funds were raised to buy a caravan and drive it the 1200 miles to Skopje in convoy with 19 others.

The idea came from Hounslow Round Table member, Peter Begin who was a BBC News cameraman who had seen the effect of the earthquake when he was assigned to cover the immediate aftermath. See Skopjie page.


Ron Smith                         1949-51       Bob Buttery                      1962-63

Fred Shepherd                  1951-52.    

Marcus Taylor                   1963-64

Don Burbidge                   1952-53

Harry Armstron                1953-54

Arthur Cressey                 1954-55

Roy Martin                        1955-56

Jimmy De Jong                1956-57

Les Adair                          1957-58

Bob Sawyer                      1958-59

David Scott                       1959-60

Ray Jaques                       1960-61

Malcolm Hurwitt               1961-62

Can anyone help supply names and dates of later chairmen?
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